[백준] Transactions (2975)(kotlin)
문제 설명
입력 및 출력
» 입력
Input consists of a number of lines, each representing a transaction. Each transaction consists of an integer representing the starting balance (between –200 and +10,000), the letter W or the letter D (Withdrawal or Deposit), followed by a second integer representing the amount to be withdrawn or deposited (between 5 and 400). Input will be terminated by a line containing 0 W 0.
» 출력
Output consists of one line for each line of input showing the new balance for each valid transaction If a withdrawal would take the balance below -200, the output must be the words ‘Not allowed’.
예제 입출력(테스트케이스)
입력 | 출력 |
10000 W 10 -200 D 300 50 W 300 0 W 0 |
9990 100 Not allowed |
문제 풀이1
import java.io.BufferedReader
import java.io.InputStreamReader
fun main(args: Array<String>) = with(BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(System.`in`))) {
var trans = readLine().split(" ")
while (true) {
if (trans[0] == "0" && trans[1] == "W" && trans[2] == "0") break
when (trans[1]) {
"W" -> withdraw(trans)
else -> deposit(trans)
trans = readLine().split(" ")
fun withdraw(trans: List<String>): String {
val balance = trans[0].toInt()
val target = trans[2].toInt()
return if (balance - target < -200) "Not allowed" else "${balance - target}"
fun deposit(trans: List<String>): String = "${trans[0].toInt() + trans[2].toInt()}"